Tuesday, May 27, 2014

15 Random Facts About Me

I figure in an effort to share more with the world, I’d give you guys a glimpse into the mind of the girl behind this blog. Here are a few facts about me ;-)
1. I.Hate.Pants. If it wasn’t considered indecent exposure, I wouldn’t wear them. Boyshorts FTW!!!
2. I am left handed. Meaning, I think in my right mind.
3. I am the middle child. I’m sure that explains a lot haha.
4. I am very close with my parents. They’re pretty legit, and no, they are not sponsoring this post, promise. ;-)
5. I am a closeted introvert. Honestly most people don’t know this because of my bubbly demeanor, but  l like to escape to my room with my fur-child to recuperate after most social festivities. Also, very animated people overwhelm me, lol. Don’t worry, I can be coaxed out of my cave with a caramel macchiato and good conversation. This works for any bribe, you know just in case you need an excuse to bring me coffee :-)
6. I am a good listener and keeper of secrets. In fact, my hair is full of them.
7. I am an early bird. I love waking up before the sun does.
8. Libra is my sign. I don’t really put much stock in astrology, but the balance thing is pretty spot on.
9. Confrontation is not my thing. Seriously, I’m all about keeping the peace.
10. I come from a musical family. I play multiple instruments and teach too.
11. Classical and Jazz are my two favorite genres. If all other music died tomorrow, I’d be ok with that.
12. I love people watching.
13. I have some serious love for my home state. Cali pride til I die!
14. I love live music, mainly for the people watching and good vibes.
15. I keep a few close friends, so if you’re in my rotation, consider it an honor ;-)
Welp that’s a little about me. Hopefully that gives you a better understanding of my neurotic personality. :-)
What are some random facts about you???
Let me know in the comments!

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