Thursday, May 1, 2014

5 Things I'm Thankful For

Despite my constant whining about life, I am thankful for many things in my life. Sometimes I can forget to appreciate all that I’ve been blessed with. So here’s a list of things I’m thankful for and could not live without.
1. Family
I’m pretty sure I have the coolest parents around. Whenever I need some advice, words of encouragement, or I just need a hug, they’re always supportive with arms wide open. I’m even thankful for my siblings. We may not always see eye to eye, but as we get older they aren’t so bad ;-). My niece and nephews each stole a part of my heart when they were born. I don’t think they’ll be returning anytime soon either. If I had to choose my favorite occupation to date, it would be aunt. Also my furchild is seriously the best dog in the universe who loves me even when I’m not giving her treats. She helps me relax and enjoy the simple things and has taught me patience more ways than one.
2. Friends
Seeing as I’ve spent some time in several states, I have the privilege of having friends in different places. I’ve even managed to make a group of friends here in Vegas, which almost felt like a never-ending task in itself. Those girls provide me with awesome activities and shenanigans that I’m sure we’ll be talking about for years to come. I’ve managed to make some lifelong friends in this young life of mine and they are some of the best around. I am very thankful for everyone of them.
3. My Health
Obviously this makes the list as I would not be alive without it ;-). This is something I take for granted all the time. In reality my immune system kicks butt. I’ve rarely been sick, ever. In spite of my frustrations with trying to navigate this world, my body has never failed me. So thank you, self for keeping me healthy!
4. Starbucks
I know I know, spoken like a true junkie, but this place provides me with more than just coffee. There’s always a plethora of hot dudes, the baristas are super chill, and I get 90% of my writing done here (yes I’m at Starbucks at this very moment). I’ve actually gotten jobs out of Starbucks, I’ll do a post on that later. It is indeed my home away from home.

5. My Brain
I love my crazy little brain. If only you knew half of the craziness that goes on in my head. From time to time I’ll share my little blurbs with others, which usually incites a ton of laughter. I tend to look at things in the most random way and I would not change that for all the money in the world. Even with all of life’s insecurities, I can honestly I like the person staring back at me in the mirror. She’s pretty rad.

So to wrap this all up, I know I haven’t been the most positive as of late. Sometimes one can get wrapped up in this thing called life and that’s when you need to take a step back and appreciate what you have the most. Even just writing this, I have a smile on my face and am more so appreciative of my life and loved ones who fill it. Life isn’t always going to be sunshine and daisies, but looking back at all the awesomeness that is around me, I’ll deal.:-) So, what are you thankful for?

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